“The pursuit of comfort is the pursuit of mediocrity. Take the risk. Embrace discomfort. Pursue growth.” - Keven DeShazo

As humans we all have a natural tendency toward what is safe and comfortable. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describes safety as second only to our need for air, water, food, and shelter. And yet – if we stay in our comfort zone we can become complacent and we also do not grow. Too much comfort and we stagnate and feel stuck. There is a necessary amount of discomfort or stress to move toward growth and optimal performance.
Ever make a goal to get fit …. and then hit the alarm clock when it goes off early the next morning? Maybe you’ve made a commitment to watch your calorie intake and lose some weight … but then ate all the cookies someone left in the break room? Well… that’s human and I am guilty of both of these! Why why why? Well because it was comfortable and safe to go back to bed or to eat those cookies (food is comfort chemically in our bodies and brains). What you and I both know though is that neither one of those actions (not acting is in fact acting) served my greater growth goals.
The fact is we have to summon our courage to venture out of the warm beds or warm cookies in our lives because it is the only path that leads us to growth, fulfillment and a well-lived life. Courage over comfort is a mindset we must embrace - a deliberate choice to move beyond the familiar and to prioritize our growth.
To step out and into our courage we must embrace vulnerability - and the more we step out and the more we experience growth and fulfillment - the easier it is to embrace discomfort again and again and in more areas. To do this we may have to let go of unexamined thoughts of perfectionism (I should be able to do this better/best/excellent etc.) We learn that we can risk, we can even fail and yet we also learn and become resilient and strong.
"Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them." - Brene Brown
“Courage over comfort is a mindset we must embrace - a deliberate choice to move beyond the familiar and to prioritize our growth.” - This in fact hit me in the gut. I’m embracing the discomfort of putting what is necessary to grow first, instead of complacency. It’s terrifying and exhilarating all at once. I’m keeping this quote in my back pocket to take out any time I fear change or lack confidence. Thank you.